While our company is primarily a supply only service for roller garage doors and roller shutter doors, we now have an almost installation service available for domestic roller doors nationwide. Installation of Sectional Panel Doors also available in some locations.
DIY Installation, instructions and video links below.
Windsor Domestic Series 1 Roller Door Installation Instructions can be found here (Old version of instructions with better framing information, especially for 63mm guides here)
B&D Garador Domestic Series 1 Roller Doors Installation Instructions can be found here
Pad Bolt Lock Fitting Installation
Framing Details for B&D Garador Domestic Series 1 Roller Doors Installation Instructions can be found here
Windsor Semi-Industrial Series 2 Roller Door Installation Instructions are currently being updated, the Old Series 1 instructions above also applied to Series 2 doors
B&D Garador Semi-Industrial Series 2 Roller Doors Installation Instructions can be found here
Framing Details for Series 2 doors here
Garador Windlock Information Pack here
Windsor Shutter Door Installation Instructions here
Video Instruction for Installations here and here
Re-Tensioning a Roller Door
Check out this video on how to re-tension a roller door. Note do not undo the U-Bolts until you have the door restrained.
Does your roller door roll up out of line and the layers start to shape like a cone - this video will help explain why and what to do to fix, it is a simple job and could save you a considerable call out fee.
Sectional Doors
DoorsNZ need to advise customers that Sectional Doors are moderately technical to install. We only recommend self install by very competent DIYers, Builders etc. The instructions available would be considered adequate at best. Please review the instructions and video before purchasing your door, although we do have installers available if you get stuck.
Sectional Door Installation Instructions can be found here
Video Instructions for a similar branded Sectional Door here
Installation Service - While we have no direct association with any installers we have used most of the people listed below and have received positive feedback from our customers.